Thursday, April 26, 2012

Graystripe's short story....................

Graystripe snuck through the dirtplace tunnel and sprinted into the forest. The wind ruffled his fur as he neared Riverclan territory. Without hesitating, Graystripe crossed Riverclan territory and started grooming his pelt. Suddenly, a familar scent wafted into his nose. "Silverstream!" he mewed in delight. A silver she-cat approached Graystripe, her eyes gleaming. "Graystripe!" She mewed and ran to Graystripe. She pressed her muzzle against his and intwined her tail with his. "Do you smell Fireheart?" she whispered. "No. I checked if he followed before I left." Silverstream purred. "I love you." she mewed. "I love you too." Graystripe purred back. "Hey Graystripe, guess what." Silverstream purred. Graystripe looked at her curiously. "What?" he asked. Silverstream whispered in his ear, "I'm expecting kits." Graystripe quivered with delight and pressed up against his mate. "Lets go somewhere else." she mewed. "Where nobody can see us." Graystripe nodded. "Follow me." Silverstream bounded deeper into Riverclan territory. She suddenly stopped by a cave and mewed, "In here." Graystripe purred as he walked in. Silverstream followed him into the cave. Graystripe turned around and nuzzled Silverstream effectionatly. Silverstream purred happily and intwined her tail with his. The two mates sat down and pressed up against eachother, breathing in their scents. Graystripe layed down and motioned for  Silverstream to also lay down. Silver stream pressed up against Graystripe and purred happily. The two cats lay together, with Graystripe pressed up against Silverstream. When the sun started to set, Graystripe mewed," I must go my love. I will see you tommorrow right here." Silverstream licked his shoulder." Of course." she mewed. Graystripe nuzzled his mate and bounded back to Thunderclan Territory.


Brambleclaw's Short Story..............

As Brambleclaw padded through the forest, a sudden noise of loud hissing filled the air. Brambleclaw sprinted through the forest, following the sound of the enraged hissing. It was coming from the stream! Hollyleaf's scent filled the air. As Brambleclaw neared the stream, he heard Ashfur's mew. "You mousebrained fool!" Ashfur hissed. Brambleclaw ducked behind a bush as he caught sight of Ashfur tackle Hollyleaf to the ground. Hollyleaf let out a yowl of surprise and threw Ashfur into the river. Ashfur met Brambleclaw's gaze for a short moment before his head struck a sharp stone in the stream. A pool of blood surrounded Ashfur's body. May Starclan welcome you, thought Brambleclaw. Hollyleaf stood before Ashfur's body, blood staining her claws. Hollyleaf raised one paw and started licking the gray warriors blood off. When Hollyleaf left, Brambleclaw padded out from his hiding place and sat in front of Ashfur's lifeless body. He bowed his head for the dead warrior. Why would he attack my daughter? Brambleclaw thought. What did she ever do? Brambleclaw stood up and layed Ashfur's body on a large rock in the stream. He gazed at Ashfur's now small gray body. He then turned and padded out into the forest, leaving the dead Ashfur behind.


Ashfur's short story........

As Ashfur patrolled Thunderclan territory with Sandstorm and Whitewing, a familiar scent wafted into his nose. Hollyleaf. The scent was coming from the small stream in the heart of Thunderclan terrritory. He turned his head to check out what Sandstorm and Whitewing were doing. They were renewing the borders near Riverclan territory. Ashfur quickly mewed, "I would like to hunt for the Clan alone. I've noticed that the fresh-kill pile is getting a little lean." Sandstorm looked up. "How thoughtful of you." she mewed gently. "You may hunt." Ashfur dipped his head in thanks and bounded away from the two she-cats. I will avenge Squirrelflight by killing Hollyleaf. She will regret not taking me as a mate. Ashfur thought. Even though Ashfur knew Hollyleaf wasn't Squirrelflight's real daughter, he could tell that Squirrelflight loved her as if she were her own. Ashfur stalked torward the small stream and caught sight of Hollyleaf soaking up water into some moss. Ashfur crouched low to the ground and snuck up on Hollyleaf silently. Suddenly, he leaped at Hollyleaf and tackled her to the ground. He heard a yelp of surprise from her black throat. Then, Hollyleaf kicked Ashfur with her hindlegs and clawed his gray muzzle. Ashfur jumped back, yowling in pain. Holly leaf suddenly leaped at him and flung him into the stream. Ashfur saw two amber eyes gleaming from  a nearby bush. He landed on sharp stone that cut a deep gash into the back of his head. The last thing Ashfur saw was Hollyleaf's green gaze boaring into his before blackness over took him.
