Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm here today to teach you fellow warriors how to fight like a real Clan cat..................

My first battle move is the Paw Swipe

This move is very helpful for young apprentices in the heat of battle. You first crouch down low to the ground so that your belly fur is touching the ground. You then unsheathe the paw that your going to swipe with. Rear up on your hindlegs and swipe at your attacker with the unsheathed paw. Always make sure to go for the ears, muzzle, or throat. Make sure to do this move much faster then I explained it.

The next battle move is the Bite and Duck

This move is very basic for older warriors but helpful for learning apprentices. You first us the Paw Swipe on your attacker. While he/she is confused, slide under your attacker and nip at their hindlegs. Stand up very quickly because your attacker will most likely spin around and try to claw you. Quickly bite their tail and duck right away because you won't want to be clawed. Make sure to do this much faster than I explained it. (For all battle moves, do them faster then i explained them.)

The next battle move is Leap and Claw.

This battle move is tricky for both older warriors and apprentices. Crouch down low to the ground so your belly fur is brushing the grass. Then put all your weight on your haunches and launch yourself into the air. Land on top of your attacker and claw his/her ears. Then leap off of your attacker and leave some nasty scars to remember you by.

Thats it for now!!!!!
