Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chapter 2...............

Dawnkit awoke again to see the dark night sky. She blinked so that everything wasn't has blurry. She quietly and slowly got up without disturbing Nightkit or Tawnytail and crept out of the nursery. Outside, it was cool and quiet, just how Dawnkit liked it. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, something moved. Dawnkit swung her head around only to see a small mouse crawling along the bushes. Dawnkit got down into a hunter's crouch and silently stalked the mouse. The mouse paused for a second when it found a small nut. Dawnkit put all her weight on her haunches, doing exactly what the apprentices had taught her, and leaped into the air. The mouse twitched it's pink nose and scampered into the forest, leaving Dawnkit sitting there claws ,out stretched. Dawnkit sat up and cursed the mouse silently. Suddenly, she heard a cat meow. "Bad luck." Dawnkit spun around and saw a gray shape before her. It was a cat but Dawnkit had no idea who he was. "Your probably wondering who I am." said the cat. Dawnkit nodded slowly and cautiosly. The gray tom purred. "I am Mistfur, medicine cat of Fireclan and you are......?"
"Well nice to meet you Dawnkit. I hope we get along just fine." said Mistfur.
Dawnkit nodded respectfully.
"Now," Mistfur began, what are you doing out so late?" Dawnkit looked at her paws.
"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I came outside. I saw that mouse and tried to catch. It...... ran away." Mistfur purred again.
"You'll learn how to hunt soon enough. For now, stick with mossballs."
Dawnkit purred. She liked this tom cat. He was friendly and funny.
Mistfur cleared his throat.
"You should be getting to bed now." He mewed.
Dawnkit purred and padded back to the nursery and layed down. She shut her eyes and sleep soon took over her. That night she dreamed of catching her first prey with Mistfur, with Tawnytail and Mudfoot watching close behind, pride swelling in their eyes.



Midnight sky


This is chapter 2..... chapter 3 coming soon!

Hi Everybody! It's me, Streamkit! Well, theres nothing really major today............................

(Flicks tail and paws at mossball)

"Oh yeah! Ravenstar was allowed to be leader again!"

(Mossball rolls out of den)

"Wait wasn't she in Starclan?"

(Gets to paws and feels tail brush against flank)

"Yes little one." Says Ashclaw. "But Starclan let her be leader of Fireclan again because her 9 lives went by very fast."


(Goes to fetch moss ball)

"Who was leader of Fireclan before Ravenstar?"

(Ashclaw wraps tail around paws)

"Ah, that is a very good question. It was Redstar I believe."

(Streamkit sits beside mother)

"Before Redstar?"


"Before Stormstar?"

(Ash claw sighs)

"Even I don't remember little one."

(Firefang suddenly enters)

"Shystar. The most bravest and strongest leader Fireclan ever had." Said Firefang.

(Ashclaw dips head)

"Thank you, Firefang. Even I wasn't kitted when Shystar ruled. I've heard many stories and legends about her. Her daughter used to be medicine cat of Fireclan. Her mentor was Moonleaf, the best medicine cat Fireclan had ever saw. She is with Starclan now and so is Shystar's daughter Stormfrost."

(Streamkit sits wide-eyed)

"Wow! Fireclan sure has a lot of history."

(Streamkit puffs out chest)

"I'm going to be Fireclan's next leader! I'm going to be as legendary as Shystar!!"

(Ashclaw purrs and starts grooming Streamkit)

(Streamkit yawns and lays down. She soon falls asleep, dreaming about becoming leader of Fireclan one day.)




Warrior cat quotes!

"You cannot live with a paw in each world"


"Silverstream: You idiot!!! What are you doing on my territory!!
Graystripe: ......Drowning??
Silverstream: Can't you do that in your own territory?
Graystripe: Ah, but who would rescue me there?"

~Graystripe and Silverstream

"Fire will save the Clan."

"Jayfeather narrowed his eyes, "I'm not as blind as you think."

"I got my warrior name too!"
"How did you guess?" A purr rumbled in his throat.
"Because your tail's still straight."
~Crookedstar and Bluestar
(Crookedjaw and Bluefur)

"Keep your eyes open Fireheart. Keep your ears pricked. Keep looking behind you. Because one day I'll find you and you'll be crowfood."

"You put up quite a fight for a tame kitty."

"Once a kittypet, Always a kittypet."

"Thunderclan warriors don't kill unless they have to."

"Now Darkstripe," Graypaw hissed to Firepaw under his breath,"is neither young, nor pretty."

"My name is Squirrelpaw but I never thought I'd wish I was one!"

"I am Midnight."
(Cats stare, dumbfounded)
~Midnight the badger

Hope you loved the Quotes from The one and only Warriors!!!
