Friday, April 27, 2012

Sanstorm's Short story............................

Sandstorm walked through the gloomy forest, searching for prey. A sudden rustling filled the air. Sandstorm dove under a bush as a huge black tom came charging at her. The tom spun around and hissed, searching for Sandstorm. He didn't smell like a clan cat. It's a rogue. Sandstorm thought. I must get rid of him. Sandstorm silently crept out from under the bush and snuck up on the black rogue. She unsheathed her claws and swiped at his muzzle. The tom spun around and barged into Sandstorm. He pinned the yellow she-cat to the ground and hissed, "Thought you could win? Mange-pelt!" Sandstorm spat and clawed his ears, making a huge gash in one. The tom leaped off of her, yowling in pain and fury. Sandstorm slid past him, clawing his flank. She then hooked her claw on his hindlegs and unbalanced him. The rogue staggered. Sandstorm leaped onto his back and threw him to the ground. She put one paw on his neck. "I did win, mange-pelt!" She spat. The tom scrambled to his paws and yowled to the sky, "Shred, now!" Sandstorm hopped off of the black rogue as a second cat came charging at her. Sandstorm was knocked off of her paws as the second rogue, a silver-gray tom, tackled her. Sandstorm yowled for help. The silver tom placed his huge paw on her throat. "You will regret attacking him!" Suddenly, a white shape barged into her attacker. Whitewing! Sandstorm lept to her paws and saw Firestar, Brambleclaw, and Spiderleg charging through the clearing. Firestar and Spiderleg held down the black rogue, nipping him. Sandstorm helped White wing fight off the silver rogue. "Leave and never come back!" hissed Brambleclaw. Firestar clawed the black rogue's muzzle, sending the cat running into the forest, squealing like a kit. Firestar chased after him. Brambleclaw clawed the side of the silver rogue's head, also sending him squealing into the forest. "Mouse-brain!" Brambleclaw yowled. Sandstorm ran back to camp, her ear bleeding, the blood stinging her eyes.


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