Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This is my story of after the Dark Forest warriors attacked. Please enjoy!

Bramblestar looked down at his grieving Clan as he sat on the Highrock. Firestar lay under the Highrock, laying motionless as Sandstorm pressed her nose into his cold orange fur. Graystripe streaked out of the warriors den and ran to Firestar, his eyes clouded with grief. The gray tom pressed his nose into Firestar's fur and Bramblestar overheard him whisper in Firestar's ear, "I will miss you so much." Leafpool and Squirrelflight slowly padded up to their dead father, taking small steps. Leafpool looked away as she neared Firestar. Squirrelflight crouched beside her mother, licking Sandstorm's shoulder to comfort her. Lionblaze sat outside of Jayfeather's den, his mighty golden head bowed. Bramblestar leaped down from the Highrock and approached the golden tom. Lionblaze looked up as he heard Bramblestar's footsteps. Bramblestar halted in front of him. "You fought well Lionblaze. I am very proud of you." Lionblaze fixed his icy gaze on Bramblestar. "But it wasn't worth it." he growled. Bramblestar took a step backward, stunned. "W-what to you mean?" Lionblaze was on all four paws now, his neck fur rising. "My sister was killed!" he hissed. "Firestar was murdered by your father! Mousefur and Ferncloud are dead!" Lionblaze's fur bristled with anger. "How dare your father kill Firestar! How dare you brother kill Hollyleaf!" Bramblestar saw anger blazing in Lionblaze's eyes. "I am not like my father or brother." Bramblestar mewed steadly. "I did not want Tigerstar to kill Firestar. I didn't want Hawkfrost to kill Hollyleaf. I am not one of them." Bramblestar stared at Lionblaze, smoothing out his pelt. Lionblaze looked away from Bramblestar." I know." he mewed simply. Brambleclaw stared at Lionblaze and mewed gently, "Firestar saved my life once. While the forest was burning down, Firestar helped me get down from a tree and almost killed himself. I was just a kit." Lionblaze gazed at the stars. "He was the bravest cat I ever knew. Now he's gone." Lionblaze got up and padded into the warriors den. Bramblestar sighed and padded noisly into Jayfeathers den. Cloudtail lay in a nest in a corner next to Dovewing and Berrynose. Cinderheart busily dressed Berrynose's wounds. "Bramblestar!" Bramblestar turned his head to see Jayfeather in the back of his den, a wad of cobwebs wrapped around his paw. "I just came in to check on the cats." Bramblestar mewed. Jayfeather dipped his head. "They are doing well. Thank you for stopping by." Bramblestar assumed that ment he had to leave and padded out of the crouded medicne den. He leaped onto the Highrock and gazed around Thunderclan's destroyed camp.

This is just Chapter one.........

This is Bramblestar
 He is an amazing cat and is nothing like his father or brother.


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