Saturday, May 26, 2012

New story.............

The blood pounded in Moonlight's ears as she followed Firefang into Fireclan territory. The terrifying screeches of fighting cats filled the gloomy forest air. Why can't the clan's just live in peace? Moonlight thought. Suddenly, Blueflower, a new warrior of Fireclan, rolled past her. She was grappling with a big gray tom. Stormfrost was clawing at another cat farther away. Why did Stormfrost have to fight? She risked her pelt one to many times. Thats what Firefang said when Stormfrost wasnt around. Suddenly, Stormfrost was at Blueflower's side, wailing like a small kit. Blueflower lay motionless by her side. Blueflower's eyes were glazed. "Why did I have to be a medicine cat!" She wailed. "I have failed Starclan!" Stormfrost shook her head in pity. Firefang disappeared into the bushes and Moonlight followed close behind. "Will the clans never stop fighting?" The former medicine cat asked. "The clan's have been fighting for countless moons. This battle will end but not for long." Firefang answered wisely. Moonlight nodded and closed her eyes and tried to block out the enraged hissing of the screeching cats riskign their lives.


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