Monday, May 7, 2012

Just a story...............

The rain soaked Moonleaf's gray pelt as she sheltered in the warriors den with Firefang and Stormstar. Stormstar was chosen to be leader after Redstar was driven out of camp. He was plotting against poor Stormstar. The thunder rumbled throughout Fireclan camp. "Oh great Starclan! When will this dreaded storm end!" complained Firefang. Her orange pelt was completly dry. Moonleaf shook out her drenched pelt, splattering the water every which way. "Watch it!" hissed Stormstar. The gray and white she-cat was soaked and was getting wetter every moment. "Sorry." muttered Moonleaf. Stormstar dipped her head, apologizing silently. Moonleaf's gray belly rumbled and Stormstar disappeared out of the den. Stormstar appeared in just moments with a starling, mouse, and chaffinch."Thank you." mewed Firefang and she took the soaked mouse. Moonleaf dipped her head and took the starling in her jaws. The three cats ate silently together, finally maneging to get their pelts dry. When Firefang finished her mouse, she let out a big yawn. "We should get some rest. Maybe the storm will pass while we're sleeping." Stormstar licked her chest fur. "Good idea." she mewed. Moonleaf made a nest out of soaked moss and layed down in it. She closed her eyes and dozed off into a light sleep. She woke up to see the sun's rays entering the warrior's den. Stormstar sat outside if the den, letting the sun shine on her magnifecent pelt.  Firefang was still snoring away. Moonleaf got up and stretched. Stormstar turned her head and meowed a greeting. Moonleaf then padded over to Stormstar and sat down beside the Fireclan leader. Both cats sat there, feeling the warm morning sun on their pelts.


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