Thursday, May 17, 2012

Whats going on in Fireclan.................

So now Stormstar is Stormpaw again and there is a new leader of Fireclan, Ravenstar. So me and Stormpaw have been training and she healed a cat who had greencough! She is learning fast and I think it's time she gets her full name. I've got a great name, Stormwhisker. I'm going to take her to the Moonpool really soon so she can recieve her new name. Today in Fireclan, there was a fight against Shadowclan. Fireclan luckily won. But fights with my birth clan just makes my fur ruffle. Some cats say that I have the temper of an angry Shadowclan cat. No cat in Fireclan knows I was born in Shadowclan. They all think I was a rogue. I was glad Fireclan won but my fur was ruffled for the rest of the day. Luckily, no cats that still stayed loyal with Shadowclan when it scattered were there.


Searching for herbs

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