Friday, June 8, 2012

What happened today............

"Hey Stormkit!" Streamkit yowled as she awoke from a dream. Stormkit was a white and black she-kit that became Streamkit's best friend. Ashclaw was sitting close behind.
"Hi Streamkit!" Said Stormkit. Streamkit purred and nuzzled Stormkit. Suddenly, a moss ball rolled torward her.
"Play with that. I must talk with the other warriors." purred Ashclaw and she ducked out of the nursery. Stormkit did a little kit growl and pawed at the moss ball. Streamkit stole the mossball back and flung it into the air. Stormkit did a flying leap and caught it in between her paws. Both kits purred and they rolled around the moss ball. Ashclaw popped her head into the nursery again.
"I must go out into the forest to do a patrol. I will be back soon. Stay out of trouble." meowed Streamkit's mother. Not long ago, while Streamkit was sleeping, Bravekit drowned her self. Ashclaw doesn't know why. She still mourns for her lost daughter. Stormkit crept closer to her and mewed, "Did you hear that Ravenstar used up all of her 9 lives?" Streamkit stared at her in shock.
"Really?" the gray she-kit mewed.
Stormkit nodded.
"Bravesong is now leader of Fireclan."
"I can't wait to meet him!" meowed Streamkit.
Stormkit edged closer ot her and whispered into Streamkit's gray ear, "Want to go out into the forest later?"
Streamkit sat speechless for a second. She finally said," Sure why not! It's boring in the camp anyway!"
"Shhhhhh!!" hissed Stormkit. "We don't want anyone else hearing." Streamkit nodded and clamped her mouth shut.
"Follow me!" mewed Stormkit and the black and white kit raced out of the nursery. Streamkit was right on her tail. Stormkit suddenly stopped dead. Streamkit bumped into her back. There, standing before Stormkit, was a huge brown and white tabby tom. He had green eyes which sparkled in the setting sunlight.
"Hello." he mewed. "You haven't met me yet. I am your new leader, Bravesong." Streamkit could see pride swelling in his eyes. "Hi. I'm Streamkit and this is my friend, Stormkit." Streamkit pointed with her tail to Stormkit. Bravestar nodded.
"It is very nice to meet you kits. Are you the kits of Ashclaw?"
"Only I am." replied Streamkit. Stormkit seemed to regain her confidence.
"I am the daughter on Rainleaf." Squeaked Stormkit. As she spoke, three cats entered the camp, each carrying a piece of fresh-kill. Bravestar dipped his head.
"It seems that your mother has returned. I must go now." And with that, Bravestar turned and padded to the patrol. Stormkit suddenly hissed, "Quick! To the dirt place tunnel!" The two kits raced to the dirtplace. "We can get to the forest through here." explained Stormkit.
Streamkit nodded. When out of the tunnel, both kits stood, gaping at the forest. "It's huge!" exclaimed Stormkit. "It smells weird though." Streamkit mewed. Suddenly, a twig snapped behidn them. Both kits spun around fur on end. Ashclaw appeared from the bushes. "How dare you come out here!" she hissed. The two kit's looked at their paws, ashamed. "What to you have to say for yourselves!" Ashclaw spat.
"We're sorry." the two kits muttered. Ashclaw then padded up to them and nipped them lightly on the ears.
"If you come out here again before your 6 moons old, it will hurt. Now get back to camp!" The two kits slumped back to Fireclan's camp, tails down. Ashclaw followed, hissing under her breath.





~Remember, this happened on Animaljam. Bravestar, Ashclaw, Streamkit, and Stormkit are real!!!


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