Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Longtail's short story..................

In the forest with Cloudtail, Brackenfur, and Rainpaw, Longtail silently stalked a rabbit. It had fur as brown as the bark on a tree and it was nibbling on some grass. Longtail got down low to the ground so that his pale belly fur brushed against the soft forest grass. The rabbit was finishing up it's little snack. Longtail put all of his weight on his haunches and unsheathed his claws. Now! the pale tabby warrior thought. Longtail leaped into the air, claws extended and pounced on the rabbit, sinking his claws into its flesh. The rabbit whirled around, terrifyed, and scratched Longtail, right in his eyes. Longtail leaped backward, yowling in pain. Brackenfur burst through the bushes, with Cloudtail right on his tail. "What happened?" The warrior asked. "I-I was stalking a r-rabbit and w-when I p-pounced on it, i-it spun around and s-scratched my eyes. I c-can't see!" Longtail wailed. Suddenly, Longtail felt Cloudtail sink his teeth into his scruff and haul him into the forest, heading right for camp. Longtail let out a painful wail, sounding just like a kit. When Longtail yowled again, Firestar burst out of his den, unsheathing his claws. "What happened!" The orange cat demanded. Brackenfur approached Firestar. "He was hunting a rabbit but it turned on him and scratched his eyes. I'm afraid he can't see." explained the bracken colored warrior. Cinderpelt limped out of her den and gently took Longtail by his scruff. "Will I ever see again?" asked Longtail. "I will try to fix your eyes as best as I can." replied Cinderpelt. Cloudtail helped haul the pale tabby warrior in the medicine cats den.


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