Thursday, May 3, 2012

Moonleaf's untold story................

When Shystar, Fireclan's former leader, found Moonleaf, the medicine cat was a rogue. Moonleaf came from Shadowclan. She was born in Shadowclan and raised in Shadowclan. She became their medicine cat. One day, Nightstar, the Shadowclan leader, had gone to live with Twolegs. The Clan's deputy had died shortly after the leader had left. Shadowclan had spread out and most had become rogues, including poor Moonleaf. At that time, Moonleaf's original name was Grayheart. She wandered the forest until one day, she made her den in a Clan's territory. Moonleaf collected herbs and stayed hidden well. Then, a few moons later, a huge border fight broke into the forest. Moonleaf didn't know what clans were which. Suddenly, a small black kit ran up to her and squeaked, "Hello!" Moonleaf grabbed the kit by it's black scruff and ran right into the heart of the battle. Shouts of "Kill Shystar!" rang through the air. Moonleaf tasted the air and smelled Fireclan. "Shystar!" yowled Moonleaf while holding the kit. Then, a big brown and white she-cat bounded up to her. Shystar flattened her ears and hissed. "No! No! You got it all wrong. You see I found this kit wandering through the forest. I was trying to find you to take it back." Moonleaf mewed quickly. Shystar's ears stood upright again and her fur layed flat. "Thank you." She mewed. Suddenly, a gray cat ran up to her. "Shystar!" the cat mewed. "We are outnumbered! We must go back to camp!" Shystar nodded. "Very well, Darkfang." The she looked at Moonleaf. "Follow me." The brown she-cat meowed. Shystar bounded into the forest with Moonleaf right on her tail. They then ran into a gorse tunnel and Moonleaf looked around to see Fireclan's camp. Shystar leaped onto a huge rock and yowled, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Cats filed out of their dens and sat below Shystar. Moonleaf sat down in the back. "We have lost this battle but there will be many more. No Clan will take our territory!" yowled the brown leader. Yowls of agreement broke through the camp. Suddenly, all eyes fixed on Moonleaf. She shifted her paws un comfortably. "We also have a new comer." Shystar mewed. "She saved Ravenkit from the forest battle. We owe her our lives." Shystar suddenly leaped down from the Highrock and stood in front of Moonleaf. "From this day forward, you will be known as Moonleaf. Fireclan owes you a lot. We welcome you into our clan!" Moonleaf then stood up and stared into Shystars green eyes. "I was a medicine cat. I still share dreams with Starclan. May I be your medicine cat?" Shystar nodded. "Our medicne cat is very old and very sick. You may take his place." Moonleaf bounded to her new den and tasted the new scents. This was her real home!


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