Monday, May 28, 2012

New Story............

Moonlight padded through the forest with Firefang, Blueflower, Stormfrost, and Leafpaw, Stormfrost's new apprentice. Moonlight paused to groom her ruffled gray pelt but when she sat down, Stormfrost had made a groaning sound in her throat and fell to the ground. Moonlight leaped to her paws and rushed to her former apprentice's side. "Stormfrost?" Moonlight mewed franticly while nudging the unconsoius medicine cat. Stormfrost wouldn't budge. Moonlight looked at Leafpaw, Firefang, and Blueflower franticly. All of their eyes were worried and scared. Stormfrost's body suddenly jerked to life and she sat up, gasping for air. "Stormfrost! Are you ok?" Moonlight almost yowled. Stormfrost looked at Moonlight, her eyes dull. "It was a sign from Starclan." She mewed.
"What did they say?" Moonlight asked. Stormfrost held her breath.
"I saw myself in the medicine den, suffering and coughing painfully." Moonlight froze. "My fate will not come late." Stormfrost whispered. 
"It was blackcough." Stormfrost mewed.Every cat froze.
"Doesn't Catmint heal Blackcough?" Firefang asked quietly.
"Nothing heals Blackcough." Moonlight mewed quietly.
Stormfrost's eyes looked glassy and she pressed her muzzle into Leafpaw's pelt and sobbed loudly.
"If you are suffering, you won't be alone." Firefang mewed. "I will be at your side.
"So will I." Moonlight mewed.
"And so will I." Blueflower mewed boldly.
"I will be at your side, always." Leafpaw whispered into Stormfrost's ear.
Stormfrost sat up and dipped her head.
"I thank you all." She mewed.

Back at camp, Stormfrost was teaching Leafpaw all the herbs and Moonlight and Firefang sat, watching. Suddenly, Moonlight noticed that Stormfrost's belly was a little bigger then usual. Moonlight looked up at Stormfrost but she didnt seem to notice Moonlight's staring eyes. Stormfrost suddenly winced. Moonlight was the only cat that saw her wince. Could Stormfrost really have kits? Moonlight thought. No never. She is forbidden too. Moonlight shook the thought away. But if she did have kits, Moonlight would claw her pelt off and use it for bedding.





Please Note: All of these events have happened on the website Animaljam. Be sure to create an animal there today and possibly join Fireclan! If you do, I'll gladly post you on this blog! See ya later, Clanmates!


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