Monday, May 28, 2012

Oh hi Warriors! I would like to tell you a story about Stormfrost that broke my heart into two.

So we were in the forest when she fell to the ground. My whole body went stiff. I hissed and said, "Whats going on??" Stormfrost yowled, "I'm sorry Moonlight! I am having kits." My whole body froze and I started to cry. After all I taught her, she betrayed me by having those kits with Darkfall. She didn't even pay any attanetion to me! All her focus was on her new kits. She didn't care how I felt. When I was on Animaljam and that happened, a tear actually trickled down my cheek. I'm thinking about becoming a loner and just leaving Fireclan. She didn't care about being a medicine cat! All she wanted was her kits. She disgusted me and let me down. I will never forgive her.

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