Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hi Everybody! It's me, Streamkit! Well, theres nothing really major today............................

(Flicks tail and paws at mossball)

"Oh yeah! Ravenstar was allowed to be leader again!"

(Mossball rolls out of den)

"Wait wasn't she in Starclan?"

(Gets to paws and feels tail brush against flank)

"Yes little one." Says Ashclaw. "But Starclan let her be leader of Fireclan again because her 9 lives went by very fast."


(Goes to fetch moss ball)

"Who was leader of Fireclan before Ravenstar?"

(Ashclaw wraps tail around paws)

"Ah, that is a very good question. It was Redstar I believe."

(Streamkit sits beside mother)

"Before Redstar?"


"Before Stormstar?"

(Ash claw sighs)

"Even I don't remember little one."

(Firefang suddenly enters)

"Shystar. The most bravest and strongest leader Fireclan ever had." Said Firefang.

(Ashclaw dips head)

"Thank you, Firefang. Even I wasn't kitted when Shystar ruled. I've heard many stories and legends about her. Her daughter used to be medicine cat of Fireclan. Her mentor was Moonleaf, the best medicine cat Fireclan had ever saw. She is with Starclan now and so is Shystar's daughter Stormfrost."

(Streamkit sits wide-eyed)

"Wow! Fireclan sure has a lot of history."

(Streamkit puffs out chest)

"I'm going to be Fireclan's next leader! I'm going to be as legendary as Shystar!!"

(Ashclaw purrs and starts grooming Streamkit)

(Streamkit yawns and lays down. She soon falls asleep, dreaming about becoming leader of Fireclan one day.)





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