Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cloudtail's short story...............

Cloudpaw padded through the forest, his belly rumbling with hunger. He smelled the stench of the Twolegplace and looked up to see the long fence seperating the outside world with the harsh Clan life. Cloudpaw crouched low to the ground and took a flying leap all the way up to the top of the fence. He then leaped off of the fence and landing right in the yard infront of the Twoleg nest. He sat infront of the door of Twoleg's home and yowled. The door swung open and a twoleg appeared in the doorway. It stretched out it's big pink, hairless paw and started stroking Cloudpaw. Cloudpaw purred and trotted into the nest. Inside, he padded over to a foodbowl and started eating the nice, meaty juicy food that replaced the dry, tastless food that Fireheart used to eat. Suddenly, he felt himself being lifted off of the ground. A twoleg paw had wrapped itself around the white apprentice and was carrying him over to a metal den. The paw gently placed him in the metal den and the door latched shut. Cloudpaw felt terror sweep over him. He was being held hostage by the Twolegs! Cloudpaw pawed at the metal door to the cold den but it wouldn't budge. The twolegs carried him outside and the poor apprentice yowled for help. Suddenly, he saw a flash of orange fur. Fireheart! Running along side of him was Sandstorm. Cloudpaw yowled for help but he was thrown into a twoleg monster. The door of the monster slammed shut and he caught  a glimpse of Fireheart running after the monster, only to stop when the monster sped away. Cloudpaw had been kidnapped by Twolegs!


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