Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moonleaf's short story........................

As Moonleaf clawed up some burdock root from the ground, a sudden sound of growling filled the air. Moonleaf spun around and saw a huge fox. It's red tail was puffed up and it's ugly yellow teeth were bared. Moonleaf froze with terror as the fox lept at her. She hit the ground hard and saw the foxes menacing eyes stare into hers. She unsheathed her claws and swiped at the foxes muzzle, drawing blood. The fox jumped back, howling in pain. "Help!" Moonleaf yowled as the fox jumped at her again. Moonleaf reared up onto her hindlegs and clawed the fox's ears. Suddenly, another fox streaked out from the bushes. Moonleaf froze as both foxes lept at her. Then, hissing filled the air and Firefang, Stormpaw, Redstar, and Streampelt tackled the two foxes. Moonleaf help Stormpaw and Redstar fight off the biggest fox while Streampelt and Firefang clawed the smaller ones. The two foxes howled in pain and bounded blindly into the forest. "After them!" Redstar yowled. "We don't want them going into other Clan's territories!" Firefang and Stormpaw chased the small fox into the forest, leading it away from Clan territories. Redstar shot after the biggest one, with Streampelt and Moonleaf right on his tail. Redstar caught up to the fox and nipped at it's hindlegs. The fox screeched and ran faster. Moonleaf and Streampelt worked together to tackle the fox to the ground. Moonleaf ran infront of the fox and tripped it using her tail. Streampelt then jumped on top of the fox and clawed it's back. Redstar bit the foxes tail hard. The fox howled and streaked into the forest, away from Clan territory. Sudden screeching filled the air. "Firefang and Stormpaw!" Streampelt yowled. Redstar bounded into the forest, following the enraged hissing. The smaller fox suddenly ran blindly ,straight to Redstar! Redstar leaped into the air and landed on the foxes red head. He clawed it's ears and was then thrown off as the fox flung it's head back and ran into the forest, following the other fox. Redstar landed clumsily on all four paws but managed not to hurt himself. Firefang came limpng torward with Stormpaw have dragging have carrying her. "Firefang is badly injured." The young apprentice mewed. "We must get to camp." Redstar nodded and the exausted cats limped back to Fireclan's camp.

Redstar on the Highrock


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