Saturday, April 28, 2012

A short story about Fireclan.................

Moonleaf busily wrapped Stormkit's paw with a wad of cobwebs. The stubborn kit had snuck out of the camp when her mother wasn't looking and ventured onto the Thunderpath. She had only put her front paws on the road of death, when a monster came zipping by. It ran over her left paw, injuring it badly. "What will I tell your mother? That you ventured onto the Thunderpath and nearly killed yourself? I don't think she'll be real pleased with you." Moonleaf mewed sharply. Stormkit fixed her green gaze on Moonleaf. "Please don't tell." The kit pleaded. "I wasn't thinking. You can atleast make an excuse." Stormkit looked up at Moonleaf innocently. "Fine." Moonleaf hissed. "But next time I WILL tell your mother." Stormkit's eyes glittered. "Oh thank you, Moonleaf!" she squeaked. Suddenly, pawsteps sounded from outside Moonleaf's den. "Stormkit?" came the mew of Brightheart, Stormkit's mother. Stormkit shut her eyes and rested her head on her moss nest, pretending to be asleep. Bright heart shouldered her way into the medicine den. "What happened!' Brightheart gasped as she saw Stormkit's injured paw. Moonleaf searched for answers silently in her head. "She -er- got stuck in a -er- bramble thicket and her paw got scratched up -er- badly. The stream outside of camp washed it -er- away." Brightheart sniffed Stormkit's paw. "You better fix her paw." Brightheart mewed sternly and left the medicine cats den. Moonleaf let out a sigh of relief and Stormkit's eyes fluttered open. "Thank you so much, Moonleaf!" Moonleaf shrugged and went into the back of her den to fetch herbs to stop Stormkit's paw from bleeding.


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