Monday, May 28, 2012

Oh hi Warriors! I would like to tell you a story about Stormfrost that broke my heart into two.

So we were in the forest when she fell to the ground. My whole body went stiff. I hissed and said, "Whats going on??" Stormfrost yowled, "I'm sorry Moonlight! I am having kits." My whole body froze and I started to cry. After all I taught her, she betrayed me by having those kits with Darkfall. She didn't even pay any attanetion to me! All her focus was on her new kits. She didn't care how I felt. When I was on Animaljam and that happened, a tear actually trickled down my cheek. I'm thinking about becoming a loner and just leaving Fireclan. She didn't care about being a medicine cat! All she wanted was her kits. She disgusted me and let me down. I will never forgive her.

Some cute Warrior cat Couples..............

Firestar and Sandstorm

Graystripe and Silverstream

Graystripe and Millie

Sorreltail and Brackenfur

Yellowfang and Raggedstar

Dovewing and Bumblestripe

Bluestar and Oakheart

Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight

Crowfeather and Feathertail

Jayfeather and Halfmoon

Lionblaze and Cinderheart

Lionblaze and Heathertail

Tigerclaw and Goldenflower


New Story............

Moonlight padded through the forest with Firefang, Blueflower, Stormfrost, and Leafpaw, Stormfrost's new apprentice. Moonlight paused to groom her ruffled gray pelt but when she sat down, Stormfrost had made a groaning sound in her throat and fell to the ground. Moonlight leaped to her paws and rushed to her former apprentice's side. "Stormfrost?" Moonlight mewed franticly while nudging the unconsoius medicine cat. Stormfrost wouldn't budge. Moonlight looked at Leafpaw, Firefang, and Blueflower franticly. All of their eyes were worried and scared. Stormfrost's body suddenly jerked to life and she sat up, gasping for air. "Stormfrost! Are you ok?" Moonlight almost yowled. Stormfrost looked at Moonlight, her eyes dull. "It was a sign from Starclan." She mewed.
"What did they say?" Moonlight asked. Stormfrost held her breath.
"I saw myself in the medicine den, suffering and coughing painfully." Moonlight froze. "My fate will not come late." Stormfrost whispered. 
"It was blackcough." Stormfrost mewed.Every cat froze.
"Doesn't Catmint heal Blackcough?" Firefang asked quietly.
"Nothing heals Blackcough." Moonlight mewed quietly.
Stormfrost's eyes looked glassy and she pressed her muzzle into Leafpaw's pelt and sobbed loudly.
"If you are suffering, you won't be alone." Firefang mewed. "I will be at your side.
"So will I." Moonlight mewed.
"And so will I." Blueflower mewed boldly.
"I will be at your side, always." Leafpaw whispered into Stormfrost's ear.
Stormfrost sat up and dipped her head.
"I thank you all." She mewed.

Back at camp, Stormfrost was teaching Leafpaw all the herbs and Moonlight and Firefang sat, watching. Suddenly, Moonlight noticed that Stormfrost's belly was a little bigger then usual. Moonlight looked up at Stormfrost but she didnt seem to notice Moonlight's staring eyes. Stormfrost suddenly winced. Moonlight was the only cat that saw her wince. Could Stormfrost really have kits? Moonlight thought. No never. She is forbidden too. Moonlight shook the thought away. But if she did have kits, Moonlight would claw her pelt off and use it for bedding.





Please Note: All of these events have happened on the website Animaljam. Be sure to create an animal there today and possibly join Fireclan! If you do, I'll gladly post you on this blog! See ya later, Clanmates!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm here today to teach you fellow warriors how to fight like a real Clan cat..................

My first battle move is the Paw Swipe

This move is very helpful for young apprentices in the heat of battle. You first crouch down low to the ground so that your belly fur is touching the ground. You then unsheathe the paw that your going to swipe with. Rear up on your hindlegs and swipe at your attacker with the unsheathed paw. Always make sure to go for the ears, muzzle, or throat. Make sure to do this move much faster then I explained it.

The next battle move is the Bite and Duck

This move is very basic for older warriors but helpful for learning apprentices. You first us the Paw Swipe on your attacker. While he/she is confused, slide under your attacker and nip at their hindlegs. Stand up very quickly because your attacker will most likely spin around and try to claw you. Quickly bite their tail and duck right away because you won't want to be clawed. Make sure to do this much faster than I explained it. (For all battle moves, do them faster then i explained them.)

The next battle move is Leap and Claw.

This battle move is tricky for both older warriors and apprentices. Crouch down low to the ground so your belly fur is brushing the grass. Then put all your weight on your haunches and launch yourself into the air. Land on top of your attacker and claw his/her ears. Then leap off of your attacker and leave some nasty scars to remember you by.

Thats it for now!!!!!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Just some cats....................











New story.............

The blood pounded in Moonlight's ears as she followed Firefang into Fireclan territory. The terrifying screeches of fighting cats filled the gloomy forest air. Why can't the clan's just live in peace? Moonlight thought. Suddenly, Blueflower, a new warrior of Fireclan, rolled past her. She was grappling with a big gray tom. Stormfrost was clawing at another cat farther away. Why did Stormfrost have to fight? She risked her pelt one to many times. Thats what Firefang said when Stormfrost wasnt around. Suddenly, Stormfrost was at Blueflower's side, wailing like a small kit. Blueflower lay motionless by her side. Blueflower's eyes were glazed. "Why did I have to be a medicine cat!" She wailed. "I have failed Starclan!" Stormfrost shook her head in pity. Firefang disappeared into the bushes and Moonlight followed close behind. "Will the clans never stop fighting?" The former medicine cat asked. "The clan's have been fighting for countless moons. This battle will end but not for long." Firefang answered wisely. Moonlight nodded and closed her eyes and tried to block out the enraged hissing of the screeching cats riskign their lives.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Many things have changed in Fireclan.......

First, Moonleaf retired to the elders den, becoming Moonlight. (The name Moonleaf is waaaaay better.)

Second, Stormpaw became Stormfrost.

Third, Moonlightt admitted to Stormfrost that she was born in Shadowclan

Fourth, There was a battle against Moonclan, Fireclan won, Moonclan had fought very poorly.

Fifth, There is a new leader of Fireclan, Ravenstar.





Thursday, May 17, 2012

Whats going on in Fireclan.................

So now Stormstar is Stormpaw again and there is a new leader of Fireclan, Ravenstar. So me and Stormpaw have been training and she healed a cat who had greencough! She is learning fast and I think it's time she gets her full name. I've got a great name, Stormwhisker. I'm going to take her to the Moonpool really soon so she can recieve her new name. Today in Fireclan, there was a fight against Shadowclan. Fireclan luckily won. But fights with my birth clan just makes my fur ruffle. Some cats say that I have the temper of an angry Shadowclan cat. No cat in Fireclan knows I was born in Shadowclan. They all think I was a rogue. I was glad Fireclan won but my fur was ruffled for the rest of the day. Luckily, no cats that still stayed loyal with Shadowclan when it scattered were there.


Searching for herbs

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another story.......................................

As Moonleaf explored the forest, a familiar scent wafted into her nose. Moonleaf spun around and saw a Shadowclan cat. "Hello Grayheart." it said. Moonleaf hissed and flattened her ears. "What are you doing here?" The Shadowclan cat straightned up. "You obvisouly don't remember me. I was at your kitting. I am Darkclaw." Moonleaf hissed. "I don't remember you. I have never seen you before. Now get out of Fireclan territory!" The Shadowclan she-cats eyes glittered with amusement. "I'm not getting out. I'm not doing any harm. I'm not doing any harm Grayheart." Moonleaf flexed her claws. "It's Moonleaf now! Get out before I claw you!" The shadowclan cat didn't even flinch. "You mousebrain. You think your a great fighter. But when im finished with you, you'll be sorry you ever layed your eyes on me." Darkclaw suddenly pounced on Moonleaf as if she were prey. The Shadowclan cat tore one of her ears, drawing blood. Moonleaf hissed with fury and leaped back. She clawed Darkclaw's muzzle but nearly missed when Darkclaw ducked and leaped on top of her. "You measly medicine cat! You better look behind your back. Always keep your eyes perked. I will find you and so will Nightstar and the rest of Shadowclan. You will be crowfood." The shadowclan cat leaped off of the gray medicine cat and leaped back into the shadows of the forest.

Darkclaw of Shadowclan


Thursday, May 10, 2012

 Hi! It's Moonleaf! So today I found out that Stormstar is still my apprentice. Which is strange.............. Anyway, we trained today and she learned the herbs. But it seems kind of weird to train a Clan leader. Don't you think?


Monday, May 7, 2012

Just a story...............

The rain soaked Moonleaf's gray pelt as she sheltered in the warriors den with Firefang and Stormstar. Stormstar was chosen to be leader after Redstar was driven out of camp. He was plotting against poor Stormstar. The thunder rumbled throughout Fireclan camp. "Oh great Starclan! When will this dreaded storm end!" complained Firefang. Her orange pelt was completly dry. Moonleaf shook out her drenched pelt, splattering the water every which way. "Watch it!" hissed Stormstar. The gray and white she-cat was soaked and was getting wetter every moment. "Sorry." muttered Moonleaf. Stormstar dipped her head, apologizing silently. Moonleaf's gray belly rumbled and Stormstar disappeared out of the den. Stormstar appeared in just moments with a starling, mouse, and chaffinch."Thank you." mewed Firefang and she took the soaked mouse. Moonleaf dipped her head and took the starling in her jaws. The three cats ate silently together, finally maneging to get their pelts dry. When Firefang finished her mouse, she let out a big yawn. "We should get some rest. Maybe the storm will pass while we're sleeping." Stormstar licked her chest fur. "Good idea." she mewed. Moonleaf made a nest out of soaked moss and layed down in it. She closed her eyes and dozed off into a light sleep. She woke up to see the sun's rays entering the warrior's den. Stormstar sat outside if the den, letting the sun shine on her magnifecent pelt.  Firefang was still snoring away. Moonleaf got up and stretched. Stormstar turned her head and meowed a greeting. Moonleaf then padded over to Stormstar and sat down beside the Fireclan leader. Both cats sat there, feeling the warm morning sun on their pelts.
